Captainstabbin - Captain Hiney
The word at the docks was she loved to give up the booty. We soon found out what a booty it was. Liza was a show stopper with a traffic jam body. Her sexy French accent and beautiful face was just the tip top of her perfect package.
Preston was all about getting her naked. She told us if we were good at it she was down for anything. That was our golden ticket in her ass. Preston tickled her ass with his tongue as she returned the favor on his cock.
Liza was a dream that Preston got to live as she bounced every which way on his dick before he took over and plug up her ass with his flag pole of a cock. She smacked her pussy as he was filling her ass up, so she could cum like no other.
It's a pity this site isn't updated very regularly - the videos feature amazing outdoor anal sex with incredible-looking chicks dressed in nothing but tan lines. Newer scenes are great quality HD, and models score really high on the hotness scale.
But the sad fact is that there have been only 6 updates in the past year, so it is not worth the money on it's own. You can consider the roughly 300 videos on Captain Stabbin a nice bonus when you buy membership to realitykings, but don't expect to get your money's worth on this site alone.
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